Greetings again from the FOB Equestria staff! Another week means another podcast, which means you get to listen to us talk about things brony, military, and military brony once again! What exactly do we talk about? Well, why don't you tune in and find out?
Get ready to jump, the video and MP3 download are go!
This episode of the podcast was maybe a bit more free-flowing than normal, probably due to the fact that topics were a bit scarce between this one and the last, but that ended up being a good thing as some very fun discussions happened as a result. Oh, and per request from a comment on YouTube, we review Dusk's Dawn this time. Yeah, if you thought Double Rainboom was bad... well, I'll say no more.
If there's something you want us discuss during our now weekly podcast, send us an email at fobequestria@gmail.com with the subject line of "PODCAST." The podcast is currently recorded Sunday afternoons with a video uploaded to our YouTube channel that night or early the following morning. A post like this one will be made shortly after. And as always...