What is up, Bronies! Spangle here announcing the triumphant return of our podcast! If you're wondering why this post is a double feature, the answer is simple: we had some technical issues, and by we, I mean me. Long story short, my computer didn't want to cooperate with my editing software, but it's fixed now! So you get a double-dose of the FOB staff...
Anyway, make the jump for both videos and their MP3 downloads.
In the 7th installment of our now (hopefully) weekly series, the staff of the FOB is joined by one of the military brony community members: AcerSpacer. We talk about some of the happenings in the FOB, what went on at a few conventions, and discuss the videos Double Rainboom and Snowdrop.
Our 8th podcast has the usual discussions, but focuses on an interview with our very own Silvermane: the military man. What do I mean by that? Give it a listen and find out! The interview has also been uploaded as a separate video which will soon be featured in it's own post for those who don't tune into the podcast.
If there's anything you think we should discuss during our weekly ramblings conversations, let us know at fobequestria@gmail.com with the subject line of "PODCAST." The podcast is slated to record every Sunday afternoon with a video uploaded to our YouTube channel that night or early the following morning. A post will be made here as soon as time can be taken to write it. Until next time...