That time of the week again: podcast time! If you follow our YouTube channel, you know this one's been uploaded since late Sunday night/early Monday morning, but better late than never!
The 11th installment of our surprisingly actually weekly podcast included only 4 of the regular cast, as shown above, but that certainly didn't stop us from having plenty to say!
What did we talk about? Get ready to jump and find out!
Suggested by one of our fellow FOB staff, we tackle the infamous "Equestria Girls" subject right out the gate. Things only get more interesting as we discuss "Littlest Pet Shop," Grey DeLisle's apparent work on a brony fan project, the heated topic of "derpygate" and people getting offended, and more! Grab your snacks and tune in for the next hour or so! The FOB Equestria Podcast is GOOO!
If there's something you think we should discuss during our weekly podcast, send us an email at fobequestria@gmail.com with the subject line of "PODCAST." The podcast is usually scheduled to record Sunday afternoons with a video uploaded to our YouTube channel shortly after. A post like this one will be made as soon as time permits. As always: